The Swinging Tree
This massive 38.5” x 46” Rock Maple has history! Check out the details in this beautiful almost floral print, you can see years of this Maple tree being tapped for syrup! Read about this ‘cookies’ journey below.
This massive 38.5” x 46” Rock Maple has history! Check out the details in this beautiful almost floral print, you can see years of this Maple tree being tapped for syrup! Read about this ‘cookies’ journey below.
This massive 38.5” x 46” Rock Maple has history! Check out the details in this beautiful almost floral print, you can see years of this Maple tree being tapped for syrup! Read about this ‘cookies’ journey below.
This beautiful rock maple dubbed "The Swinging Tree" is a forever print. This tree stood prominently in the front yard of a client's home and was the core of many childhood memories. My client recounted an odd branch off this tree that extended 30 feet out and that her family naturally added a swing to it where hours of her childhood were captivated. It's been almost 20 years since her family sold her childhood house, yet her connection to it is still deeply rooted.
One day, her father, who works for a local lumber company, went to the house for business. While there and through conversation, the contractor shared that someone would cut down this remarkable tree that very day. In disbelief, he called his daughter to share the news, and within hours of this interaction, a local Forrester had gone up to the house to salvage a few cross-sections. It's incredible how we can experience these serendipitous moments where the universe aligns beautifully. More so are the lengths we take to protect and hold onto our childhood memories and the objects we attach to them.
The swing tree project deeply resonated with me as it commenced with the bond between a father and his daughter, much like my own, so it felt poignant to unveil its completion near Father's Day. From start to finish, this project was so much more than just a tree that adorned a family's property. It's a legacy honoring the stories and experiences this father created for his children that happened to be rooted in this tree. It's small acts, such as placing a swing on a branch, that a parent plants a seed that, unbeknownst to his children, continues to reap generations later.
This tree represents a lifespan of parenthood in which at the very core lies the hardwood, namely our love for our children. While we can tell from the outside this was a nourished tree just in its size alone, the real story of the unconditional love this tree gave and received harmoniously as a family over the years lies within its unspoken beauty. One can only understand this tree's humble journey once we unveil its organic growth patterns. It's not until then that we can fully understand the ebbs and flow of energy for this tree, all its gifts, including the exposed tap holes, but most extraordinary is its large and expanding heart! These characteristics reflect its uniqueness, making this piece one of a kind, like our fathers. This rock maple symbolizes the strength of a family's bond, and its weight in gold is visible in its naturally forming golden undertones. Even though the news of this harvested tree was heartfelt, this gift will continue to visually represent the core of their unconditional love for one another. Its been an honor to partake in this journey and be permitted to extend life for an extraordinary hidden gem!
The branch that carries the stories!